Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas 2006: The Year of the Sweater

There are few who love the Christmas season more than I do (for those of you who know me well you will know I have just employed the literary technique of "verbal irony"). But if there is one thing I do love it's Jesus and celebrating his birth...and then putting on Christmas sweaters and taking pictures on Christmas day, which is what just so happened this Christmas!

...and here we have some highlights of the morning...

Anticipation is high as the
mornings festivities are about
to commence!

Patience must also be high as
Mom tries to figure out the point and shoot digital camera

Nothing says Christmas like the TV Yule log...a long time Storey favourite. "Yule" be hard pressed to find an activity that beats waiting with bated breath for the "hand that stokes the fire!"

Monday, December 18, 2006

A Christmas Song

Here is a little Christmas diddy I wrote and recorded about my hope and the reason I am going to Zambia.
Click here to listen

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Get on Board the T-Shirt Train!

Get your very own Zambia T-shirt handmade by Shannon herself. Your choice of colour is green with the continent of Africa in black and Zambia highlighted in grey. All proceeds going help getting Shannon to Zambia and keeping her there for a year! So a shirt can be yours for only three easy payments of $49.95...just kidding...more like one payment of $15, unless you feel like giving more!

Sizes: Youth L, XL; Adult S, M, L, XL (Shannon is wearing a Youth L)

If you would like one feel free to contact or any other method of communication you have with her...perhaps telegram or carrier pigeon!

(For a limited time only while supplies last!)

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Feelin' Festive

Chances are I won't be finding this opportunity in Zambia...

A sudden burst of winter gave rise to the perfect opportunity to break out one of my "new" snappy Christmas sweaters and winter hat. I've saved two amazing sweaters to make their public reveal at a later date...get ready! And my new hat keeps my head roasty toasty on these blustery southern BC winter nights!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Girls Gone Wild!!!

This past weekend the girls joined forces to attend a "Women of Faith" Conference in Vancouver. And as it is with every "ladies" type function I attend I always make it my goal to be the first one to cry...and as it is with every "ladies" type function I attend I never succeed in reaching my goal. But one of these days those tears are gonna come a flowin'...although it will probably be at the Sears Portrait Studio (or so I've been warned!).

So as true ladies we of course had to black out one or two of our teeth the first night and walk down Robson. Good times!

Chrissy Ruth

Here is our "Deer in the Headlights" look. It doesn't get much more wild than I right?

Margie Shannon

This post is dedicated to all those who scroll through their list of "geeks with blogs" like me when you are bored at know who you are!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

She's a Fox!

If only every day could be a costume day! This time I got to dress up for the Bakerview Kids Halloween Night as a fox. I liked this costume because I actually got to hear the following statements in reference to me: "She's a fox", "Foxy Lady!", and "Crazy like a fox!". Haha...too much fun. Megan (seen here as Frodo Baggins) and I manned the "Cookie Decorating Booth" where we consumed an excess of icing...and once the kids were gone we pillaged the place of all excess candy!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious...

This one goes out to all the "Napoleon Dynamite" fans out there who can really appreciate the geeky beauty of the character Kip...and my creepy rendition of him. I dressed up for our Youth "pumpkin night" as Kip and thought I'd share it with you. That's me on the right and the real Kip on the left incase you were confused...the similarities disturbing, I know! But I won best in show and got a big bag of smarties!! All I need now is to get some "Glamour shots by Deb" and I'm set. "Do you have some sort of vest I could put on?"
One last one just to creep you right on out!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Possibilities...

Here is a glimps into some of what will hopefully be involved with while in Zambia.
There are thousands of "hidden orphans" in Lusaka. These are children who have lost one or both parents, and are living with relatives (or sometimes neighbors). They are last to get food or clothing or education. They are often treated like Cinderellas. Street Kids often get help because they are obvious, and obviously in need. But many of them (probably half) have chosen to run away and run their own lives. But there are ten times (if not a hundred times) more children who have not run away from home. These suffer abuse, rape, hunger, loneliness, grief, and a sort of lonely neglect. Parents and relatives here don't speak much into kids' lives. There are thousands of young girls (early teens through eary twenties) who are aching for an older sister, a mother, someone to come alongside and listen and give time and advice. Currently there is no one to do that there.

Youth activities is a great way to get into their lives. Many churches have you
th programs, but have little idea how to mentor the kids. A few years back three visiting young women organized a meeting through AZ (Action Zambia) with any young women interested in meeting with them. They expected about 20 girls, and about 100 showed up. The visitors gave a small devotional, then opened the floor to questions. The girls pelted them with everything from how AIDS is spread to how to fend off an uncle who demands to sexually abuse them. They were starving for input. However, real ministry to these girls can only be done on a discipling, mothering/sistering, long-term basis, with plenty of cultural understanding and some local language thrown in. There are programs, but the relationship is what is most needed.

Second, there are girls who have gone into orphanages who are very inter
ested in such relationships. Megan (an AZ missionary) went to a huge orphanage to check on two girls who have been placed there. They were brought in, and didn't look at her face (being polite, as all children are expected to do here). But when she shook their hands, they saw the white skin and looked up. JOY! The first girl jumped into Megans arms and wrapped her legs around Megan. They are so hungry for attention and an older sister.
(Provided by Liese Ripley-AZ)

As well I am hoping to be able to record the local music as part of raising awareness and support for different needs there here in North America. As part of this I hope to kee a solid connection and awareness with those at home through regular audio/video updates and establishing a connection between my youth group here and youth in Zambia. That's the dream anyway!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

On-line Donations!

Thanks to this new fangled technology called "the internet" it is now possible for you to make donations on-line!!! Simply CLICK HERE to make an donation! Don't worry, it's a safe and secure site.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Proud to be a Farmer

Julie Nickel and me at the Corn Maze
Well, I've got a new job! And contrary to how convincing the above picture is that infact I am a real farmer it's not true. I have begun working at the Sears Portrait Studio here in Abbotsford. And yes, they actually let me take pictures:) So if anyone is in the market to get some glamour shots done, come on in. We have some gorgeous teddy bear and cloud backgrounds! I am still in training and as Christmas is approaching this is when things are going to get very busy. Apparently you aren't a true Sears Portrait Studio associate until you've worked a Christmas. And I was told on my first night of training that "You will cry". So I'm looking forward to that! But it actually seems like a pretty fun and interesting job, plus I'll get to work with one of our youth girls, Trish, so that will be fun.

Zambia support is still continuing to be raised as I aim to leave in January. I've been trying to get an exact figure as to where I stand in relation to my goal but I'm just waiting on the Action office for that. From what I've calculated I would guess I have about $5000 left to raise. So we're getting closer. (Just a note: if you were planning on sending in support it would be awesome if you could do that as soon as possible. Thanks so much!)

Finally, I continue to work with our youth group as a leader and am loving it. As you can tell from the picture above (taken last week at our time at the Chilliwack Corn Maze). Lots of fun and the youth are awesome!!

So that's a brief life update...lots to be thankful for.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Picture This

I've just uploaded some new pics to my Flickr site. Half are from our Youth grad trip to San Francisco this past May...and I finally finished the roll last weekend! The other half were experimenting with long exposure shots at our Youth Leader retreat at Cultus Lake (Photos featuring Megan Stewart). So if you want to check it out CLICK HERE or on the "Photographs" link in the side bar.

As for Zambia I will hopefully give a more detailed update soon. I am getting closer to reaching the financial goals. I am about to start a new job and continue to be involved with the youth ministry and worship ministry at Bakerview. More to come on these things.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

In May 2005 I made my first voyage to Zambia as part of a team from TWU. Our fearless leader for that trip was Stephanie Brink and on September 8, 2006 she is heading back to Zambia to work with Action Zambia just like I. She is a midwife and I know God will use her to do amazing things there. I had hoped to be able to go with her but God has other plans so I'm excited for her and look forward to meeting up in January! Pray for her as she makes the long trek!
This is a picture from this summer when Steph came up to BC and we got a chance to meet up, eat some Thai food from a sketchy looking restaurant, chat about Zambia, and take a self-photo using the trunk of my car!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Why So Much???

So the question I seem to be getting asked the most when it comes to this is trip is: Why does it cost so much to live in a developing country like Zambia? Well, here is a first hand account from Susan Hundshamer who served in Zambia with Action that will hopefully be a little more helpful to you!
Can't wait any longer? Click here to read more!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

And so we wait...

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." ~Isaiah 55:8-9

I feel that I have spent about 98% of my life not really understanding what is happening or why it does and then there is that 2% of the time where everything just seems to make perfect sense and I understand what I couldn't in that 98% of the time. Well, right now I'm in that 98% of the time. My deputation to Zambia has been delayed until January due to the fact that the financial support didn't come in for me to leave in September. As I look to the parallels of the spiritual realm to the physical in order to some how grasp the ungraspable I think on how a small child seems consumed with the question "why?" I too in my spiritual walk sometimes find myself in this child-like state wanting to know the reason why to everything. But as we grow we find that we no longer need to nag our parents with the endless string of "why's" but rather learn to trust them and know they wouldn't lead us astray. And this is where I find myself today. I don't understand why I have to wait when in my thoughts leaving in September sounded so perfect. It's so hard to think upon Zambia and the faces there and know there is so much need, a country that is, in a sense, on fire, but I am here...waiting. But right now I find a peculiar rest in the unexplainable. I feel no need to know the reasons why right now, all I know is this is where God has lead me. As I wrestle with the disappointment I find comfort in the above verses and I feel Him telling me again and again, "my thoughts are not your thoughts." He has a plan and I will follow.

I am also gaining a better understanding that this is something so much bigger than just one person. The immeasurable value of support is becoming very clear and I don't mean just financially. God has a much broader calling for this task than just me. I am carried by the "unsung hero's" who support me through prayer and word. People in which those of Zambia may never see but will have a profound impact on the ministry that takes place there. People who God is using to help carry me through this time and the times to come. People who without this would be nearly impossible and the thought of this truly humbles me.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

ZAM-O-METER reads Half way!

Half way there!!! 3 Weeks to go!!! Takwaba uwaba gna Yesu!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2006


The month of September is fast approaching and with the beginning of the month being my anticipated departure date to Lusaka, Zambia there is still a lot to be done! One of the big focuses is continuing to develop support. All my financial support must be in (or at least pledged) before I am allowed to purchase a ticket to leave. So with just over a month until that time and my current financial support level sitting at around 25% it looks like God has some work to do! I am trying not to worry because I know that if He wants me there in September I will be there in September.

As I mentioned in my first letter, I am planning to go to Lusaka, Zambia (the capital city) with Action International Ministries for 1 year to work with youth and hopefully record some of the local worship music. I will hopefully be able to work with local churches to help develop youth programs as well as work with young girls regarding the subject of purity and Godliness in all aspects of life. I have also been presented the opportunity to perhaps be a part of starting up a children’s and youth ministry in a more rural area about 15 minutes out of town where there is presently no church in the area. It is exciting to think of the possibilities and what God has in store. There is such urgent need for workers in Zambia so I am praying that God allows me to go in September to get started!

This past month has been a challenging but growing time for me personally as I have wrestled with whether I am ready for this, but I have felt God still calling me to Zambia. It has been a time of learning to hear His voice amidst chaos and learning to rest in the assurance that He is with me and will be with me wherever I go.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Monthly Budget


Personal Living Expenses:
Rent $350
Food $150
Phone $35
Tithe/giving $75
Entertainment $25
Miscelaneous $40
Household $10
Life insurance $40
Clothing $10
FICA Tax (Employee Share) $45
Total Living Expenses $780

Work Expenses:

Furlough Travel Fund $60
Medical Insurance (USA) $250
Medical Insurance (Zambia) $-
Zambia Income Tax $50
Retirement savings $50
Prayer letters $50
Employer’s Share of FICA Tax $46
Ministry Expense $119
Transportation $100
Administration Fees (15%) $225
Total of Work Expenses * $950


If you feel God calling you to join me in this adventure and would like to make a donation cheques can be made out to Action International Ministries with "Shannon Storey" in the memo line. I am in great need of monthly donations. You can set up a direct deposit by sending a blank void cheque and indicating how much you would like to donate each month and it will automatically be withdrawn. You can also set up the same type of thing with a credit card. Or just send cheques in monthly or postdated cheques. Donations can be sent to the following address:

Action International Ministries
3015 A 21st St. NE
Calgary T2E 7T1

Donations or monthly pledges need to be received by October 2oo6 for me to be able to leave in January. If you have any questions feel free to contact me:
Thank you so much for your support! It means so much to me!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

THE ZAM-O-METER of Financial Support

With state of the art technology employed by the Zam-O-Meter I am able to keep track of my financial support level in a visual form...and now so can you! The precision of this device is second to none.

So with over 75% left to raise and under two months until September when I plan to leave in which I will need to have the full support looks as if God has some work to do! But I'm not worried, if He wants me there in September then I'll be there in September!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Workin' Hard for the Money

I've been working for "Side Effects Renovations" right now mostly painting (NOTE: I don't actually wear the tool belt, it's just for dramatic effect!). I've also occasionally been cleaning the Mark Centre here in Abbotsford. So there you have it...workin' my way to Zambia! (Calendar coming soon!)

Monday, June 19, 2006


Here is where you can hear me talk. Check out my first audioblog:
June 18, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Support Letter

Two years ago I had the opportunity to serve in Lusaka, Zambia with a team from Trinity Western University for one month. It was an amazing experience. I remember standing in Zambia praying that God would take me back there. And so I am writing you to share of an exciting opportunity I have before me. I have been accepted by Action International Ministries (Specifically ACTION Zambia, a branch of the ministry) to serve a 1 year term in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. I have had a strong desire to serve God cross-culturally ever since my first missions trip to Mexico when I was 16 years old. I also have a desire to serve in a more long term capacity and see this as a step toward that direction.

I will hopefully be leaving in January (all my support needs to be in before I can go!) and will be joining the ACTION Zambia team which has a variety of ministries on the go including leadership development, AIDS/HIV ministries, Children in Crisis and Child Evangelism, Street Kids, and mercy ministries. I hope to be working with youth, helping to develop youth programs in local churches as well as with street kids. Within this capacity I will hopefully be able to work with young girls focusing on the subject of purity, stressing Godliness in all aspects of life. I would also love to incorporate music into these ministries. One of my big dreams is to take my portable recording studio to record the local music which could then be brought back to North America to bring awareness and raise support for different areas and projects.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to partner with me in this adventure. I am beginning to realize how crucial the role of supporter is not only financially but especially through prayer. This past year I have begun to really realize just how necessary and powerful prayer is. As not everyone is able to be a goer at this time, I ask you to prayerfully consider being part of this opportunity through prayer as well as considering if God is leading you to be involved financially. I know that God will provide for all my needs and I humbly ask you to consider being a part of this. Your support means so much to me.

I am so excited about this opportunity but know it will not be easy. I know God will use this opportunity to challenge and deepen my faith as I seek to bring glory to His kingdom.

To find out more on how you can support me email me at

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Welcome to the Blog!

Thanks for checking it out. This is where you can find updates as to how the process is going as I am Zambia bound as well as when I am in Zambia. You can check out more of my pictures with the link to my Flickr site on the right hand side of the page as well as check out the official ACTION Zambia website (the team with whom I'll be serving with). You can also have a listen to some of the songs I have recorded with my home studio and from time to time I will also have some audio you can give your eyes a rest and just listen! (The firt one is up, go to the "audioblog" link to hear it!) I will post more info on my trip soon! Don't forget to sign the guestbook!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

We've Only Just Begun...

Time is going quickley and there is a lot to do. Two years ago today I was standing on Zambian soil, soaking it all in, and praying that God would take me back there. Here I am today praying the same prayer as I begin to gather support and make preperations to return.

I will be joining the Action Zambia team in Lusaka, Zambia (part of Action International Ministries). While in Zambia I am hoping to work with youth in local churches as well as with the Street Kids ministries. I also have a dream to take my recording equipment and record the local music. There is so much that can be done in Zambia and I am excited to be a part of it.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

What's Goin' On

Here I am in Lusaka, Zambia...who knew. Well, I guess if your reading this you probably did or just found out. So here is the scoop. I got here February 13th, 2007 and am here for one year. You may have deducted from that statement that I will be leaving in February 2008...if so, you are correct. If not, you may want to brush up on your calendar skills...but who am I to judge.

Anyway, I live in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. I work with an organization called Action Zambia which is a faith-based organization that works with urban, indigenous churches. I have come to work with youth here in Zambia. This involves working with the youth programs in the local churches, helping develop youth programs and train leaders, and mentor/disciple the youth.

I live on a farm owned by Action Zambia in a more rural part of town. I live in a hut. Yes, a I live in a hut in Africa. It's quite "swank," as the young people say. The area, called Kasupe, has many children and youth and we have constructed a football (soccer) field and a netball field (a sport the girls play here). I have started playing netball with the girls and hope to develop a sports ministry here. As well on Saturday's I am involved in running a Bible Club for the younger kids.

Zambia is a country that has been hit hard by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Action Zambia has an HIV/AIDS ministry called the CROSS project (CROSS standing for Churches Ready to Overcome Silence and Stigma) and we are hoping to develop a youth curriculum for this project this year.

Another passion of mine is music. I have brought my guitar (and promptly dropped it within the first week...but there was minimal damage) and help lead worship for our team as well as with the church I am attending. I am also hoping to do some music education as well. I also have brought my recording equipment to record some of the local music.

Ulitimately, I am here because of the hope I have found in Christ and am here that He may use me to bring this hope to the people of Zambia.

So that's what I'm doing here in a nutshell...well, actually I am not in a nutshell, I am in a hut...but you get the picture.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Who: Shannon Storey with ACTION Zambia, a branch of Action International Ministries

Working with youth in local churches, streetkids, and recording the local music.

Leaving January 2oo7 for one year

Lusaka, Zambia (the capital city)

To follow the call of God, bring glory to His kingdom and His hope to the people of Zambia.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I have always been fascinated with recording music. As a small child I would sit in front of our old cassette deck and record onto tape for hours. In 2004 I took my first digital recording class at TWU with my digital recording Guru, Jef Gibbons from Blueshift Productions. I began to acquire my own home studio little by little. I have since taken my set up to Zambia, Africa, where lived for one year, in an attempt to record some of the vernacular music of the Zambian culture.

Here are some of the first songs I have written and recorded over the past few years:
Tonight We Come -- Christmas 2006
Were You There? -- Recorded with Ruth Langton (Vocals, Piano), Andy Langton (guitar), Shannon Storey (Vocals, Bass, production and arrangement)

Come Along
Chemical Spring

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Who Am I?

I just graduated from TWU where I studied music and biblical studies. I am hoping to go to Zambia for 1-2 years to work with youth. I am a member of the Bakerview church family and love hanging out with the youth and being part of the worship ministry. Serving God in Africa has been on my heart for a long time. After a one month trip to Zambia in May '04 I am excited about the chance to return for a longer time. While there I hope to work with youth and local churches as well as take my portable recording studio set up there to record Zambian worship music.

I play the guitar, bass, and dabble in the harmonica. I once touched oprah and now like to tell everyone I meet about it! (She had dry hands).
I like guacamole and don't care for pickles or mustard.