Well, I've got a new job! And contrary to how convincing the above picture is that infact I am a real farmer it's not true. I have begun working at the Sears Portrait Studio here in Abbotsford. And yes, they actually let me take pictures:) So if anyone is in the market to get some glamour shots done, come on in. We have some gorgeous teddy bear and cloud backgrounds! I am still in training and as Christmas is approaching this is when things are going to get very busy. Apparently you aren't a true Sears Portrait Studio associate until you've worked a Christmas. And I was told on my first night of training that "You will cry". So I'm looking forward to that! But it actually seems like a pretty fun and interesting job, plus I'll get to work with one of our youth girls, Trish, so that will be fun.
Zambia support is still continuing to be raised as I aim to leave in January. I've been trying to get an exact figure as to where I stand in relation to my goal but I'm just waiting on the Action office for that. From what I've calculated I would guess I have about $5000 left to raise. So we're getting closer. (Just a note: if you were planning on sending in support it would be awesome if you could do that as soon as possible. Thanks so much!)
Finally, I continue to work with our youth group as a leader and am loving it. As you can tell from the picture above (taken last week at our time at the Chilliwack Corn Maze). Lots of fun and the youth are awesome!!
So that's a brief life update...lots to be thankful for.
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