Saturday, June 10, 2006

Support Letter

Two years ago I had the opportunity to serve in Lusaka, Zambia with a team from Trinity Western University for one month. It was an amazing experience. I remember standing in Zambia praying that God would take me back there. And so I am writing you to share of an exciting opportunity I have before me. I have been accepted by Action International Ministries (Specifically ACTION Zambia, a branch of the ministry) to serve a 1 year term in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. I have had a strong desire to serve God cross-culturally ever since my first missions trip to Mexico when I was 16 years old. I also have a desire to serve in a more long term capacity and see this as a step toward that direction.

I will hopefully be leaving in January (all my support needs to be in before I can go!) and will be joining the ACTION Zambia team which has a variety of ministries on the go including leadership development, AIDS/HIV ministries, Children in Crisis and Child Evangelism, Street Kids, and mercy ministries. I hope to be working with youth, helping to develop youth programs in local churches as well as with street kids. Within this capacity I will hopefully be able to work with young girls focusing on the subject of purity, stressing Godliness in all aspects of life. I would also love to incorporate music into these ministries. One of my big dreams is to take my portable recording studio to record the local music which could then be brought back to North America to bring awareness and raise support for different areas and projects.

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to partner with me in this adventure. I am beginning to realize how crucial the role of supporter is not only financially but especially through prayer. This past year I have begun to really realize just how necessary and powerful prayer is. As not everyone is able to be a goer at this time, I ask you to prayerfully consider being part of this opportunity through prayer as well as considering if God is leading you to be involved financially. I know that God will provide for all my needs and I humbly ask you to consider being a part of this. Your support means so much to me.

I am so excited about this opportunity but know it will not be easy. I know God will use this opportunity to challenge and deepen my faith as I seek to bring glory to His kingdom.

To find out more on how you can support me email me at

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