Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The 8 Days of Christmas Sweaters 2011: Day 5

Day 5 brings with it a visual smorgasbord that almost seems like a giant clothing Magic Eye.  Perhaps if you stare at it long enough a Christmas surprise will come popping out at you.  Why not pay tribute to the busiest of seasons with the busiest of clothing.  This little number is a real trip...and may make you feel like you are on a drug induced one yourself.  Layered atop of a turtleneck of miniature floating Santa's, sits a vest to rival all the rest.  Well dressed ice skating polar bears bring us back to a time when polar bears could actually skate on ice that could hold their weight.  And bears resting on each lapel hold candle vigil, praying that Coca Cola could one day save their dying habitat with fancy cans that trick sugar conscious patrons.  Dawn this vest and high-necked number and head to the mall, where you will really get people's blood pressure spiking as they grasp to take it all in.

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