Friday, July 13, 2007

Mary Goes to America!

This past week we experienced a miracle with the adoption of Mary by Steve and Patti Hupp. The US embassy was refusing to grant Mary a visa to travel home to the states and was requiring a document that would be impossible to come up with. But on Thursday morning, hours before their flight was to leave the embassy granted the visa. It's a longer story but that's the abridged version. God is good.

“Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”~ Psalm 77:13-14

Patti and her daughter Mary

At the airport

Haha! We found these great glasses at the farm...this is the beauty of it being your blog...
please don't hurt me Patti!


Anonymous said...

luv your new look!!! it's so,....
..................... can't believe I'm at a loss for words!!
judy h-w

Matt said...

hot. that's the word. hot.