Sunday, November 26, 2006

Feelin' Festive

Chances are I won't be finding this opportunity in Zambia...

A sudden burst of winter gave rise to the perfect opportunity to break out one of my "new" snappy Christmas sweaters and winter hat. I've saved two amazing sweaters to make their public reveal at a later date...get ready! And my new hat keeps my head roasty toasty on these blustery southern BC winter nights!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Girls Gone Wild!!!

This past weekend the girls joined forces to attend a "Women of Faith" Conference in Vancouver. And as it is with every "ladies" type function I attend I always make it my goal to be the first one to cry...and as it is with every "ladies" type function I attend I never succeed in reaching my goal. But one of these days those tears are gonna come a flowin'...although it will probably be at the Sears Portrait Studio (or so I've been warned!).

So as true ladies we of course had to black out one or two of our teeth the first night and walk down Robson. Good times!

Chrissy Ruth

Here is our "Deer in the Headlights" look. It doesn't get much more wild than I right?

Margie Shannon

This post is dedicated to all those who scroll through their list of "geeks with blogs" like me when you are bored at know who you are!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

She's a Fox!

If only every day could be a costume day! This time I got to dress up for the Bakerview Kids Halloween Night as a fox. I liked this costume because I actually got to hear the following statements in reference to me: "She's a fox", "Foxy Lady!", and "Crazy like a fox!". Haha...too much fun. Megan (seen here as Frodo Baggins) and I manned the "Cookie Decorating Booth" where we consumed an excess of icing...and once the kids were gone we pillaged the place of all excess candy!