Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thumbs Up For American Thanksgiving!

"Let's all go around the table and say one thing we are thankful for!"
I managed to fandangle my way into our team Thanksgiving festivities...and they even let me sit at the adult table.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Out and About

Here is the gang at Chisomo Drop in Centre where I do a weekly Bible study. As you can see with the two on either side in the front row...once again I have captivated my audience!
Peter on the ol' banjoThis is Grandson (yes, that is his real name...he also has a little brother named Nephew!). I've been helping him with his math homework. I made him some handy dandy flash cards.

This is one of the widows and her family that I visit with regularly out in Kasupe. The expressions in this shot are priceless. We were definitely in need of some of the ol' portrait studio smiling techniques.
The proud photographers of the previous shot